An icon that consists of two arrows and a slash in the center. The two arrows are the same size and thickness, and they slant in opposite directions, pointing diagonally left and right. The slash is vertical and bisects the center of the image. This icon is commonly used by software developers to represent divergence or branching, which is a fundamental concept in programming. It can also be used to signify separation or distinction.

Software Engineer · Individual Contributor · Freelancer

Cloud · Data · DevOps · Architecture · Full-Stack

13 years in the Software Development
The image shows a majestic mountain peak capped with snow. The peak pierces through a layer of clouds, with some additional clouds visible above the peak. The lower slopes of the mountain are obscured by clouds. In the foreground, there are a few dark shapes that could be trees or rocks. Overall, the image creates a sense of awe and wonder at the beauty and power of nature.


Certified Kubernetes Administrator 2024-02

Hashicorp Terraform 2024-01

Spring Application Developer 2022-08

Oracle Certified Professional · Java 2021-04

Redis Data Structures 2021-03

Redis Security 2021-03

Redis Stream 2021-03

Redis Search 2021-03

GCP Big Data & ML 2021-01


Google Cloud Platform (GCP) · Amazon Web Service (AWS) · Private Cloud · Cloud Native · Kubernetes · Terraform · Docker
  • Design cloud architectures
  • Provision cloud infrastructure
  • Set up, maintain, troubleshoot Kubernetes clustersReview security, logging, monitoring and alerting


Apache Flink · Apache Druid · Apache Kafka · Rabbit MQ · Influx DB · Grafana
  • Ingest data into warehouses
  • Architecture data pipelines
  • Implement data pipelines in real-time
  • Aggregate custom metrics for insights
  • Build dashboard for lively perspectives at glance


Linters · Sonar Qube · CI/CD · Jenkins · Cloud Build · GitHub Actions · Docker · Kubernetes · Helm · Terraform

I design, implement and audit:

  • Code quality & security audits
  • Automated software versioning
  • Automated testing of software versions
  • Automated software version deliveries


Java · JavaScript · Python · Spring Framework · Quarkus · Angular · React · Vue · Flask · NodeJS · Maven · Gradle · PiP · NPM · Yarn · PnP

I am crafted with

  • Software architecture
  • Enforcing & practicing design patterns
  • Implements UI components from designs
  • Integrating API
  • Developing APIs & document them
  • Writing automated software testing: unit, integration, end-to-end
  • Distributed systems